From my perspective after listening to Pastor John Gray’s interview on TV ONE, anyone who listens to Pastor John Gray, an admittedly confused and broken man, who depends upon this lost male for spiritual guidance, is seriously in need of a reality check. Such individuals also would appear to have less confidence and belief in themselves, and lower self esteem than Pastor John Gray has in himself.
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Every young woman of marriageable age looking for love MUST know the process of vetting men, and refuse to rush into anything without vetting him thoroughly first. Advice columnist Deborrah Cooper sets out in detail the process for properly vetting men, eliminating those with incompatibilities before you get hurt.
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Advice columnist Deborrah Cooper points out the many ways women make poor choices about men and life, based on their FEELINGS instead of using logic and reason. She guides the listeners of this Tough Topic Thursday discussion to take a look at emotion-based decision making and how it can be detrimental to success and goal achievement.
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An allegedly professional matchmaker goes in on single women telling them they need to sign on to “build a boo” and that their standards are unrealistic and unreasonable. Dating expert Deborrah Cooper of SurvivingDating.Com counters with a solid argument on why single black women settling for less than what they want in a man is the wrong move to make.
Hypergamy – Why Are MGTOW Men Angry that Women Opt to Marry Up?
Women who operate with hypergamy in mind are much more pragmatic than romantic. They are not easily gamed on and not easily manipulated with threats and fear of singleness. A hypergamous woman looks for a man who is going to provide stability, make her life easier, make her children’s life better, be interesting, fun, sexy, exciting, and who wants what she wants out of life.
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Webinar Series on Dating and Relationships with Deborrah Cooper
Attend a free webinar with Deborrah Cooper (aka Ms. HeartBeat) on the second Saturday of each month through 2017. Participants will have the chance to discuss hot issues in black culture, dating, relationship violence and abuse, the games men play, better partner communication, and lots more. Register today.
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Today I watched a sad piece of life unfold as two young black girls were exposed to pimp game spit at them by a young black male already adept at coercion and verbal manipulation. Black women need to do more to educate black girls on these types of mind games.
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Relationships Webcam Show – WHAT HE SAID, WHAT SHE SAID
What He Said …What She Said Gender Perspectives on Male/Female Relationships Sharing perspectives during a conversation with Quincy, host of Talk2Q about male/female relationships. We have two topics slated for examination during this discussion: (1) Why all the constant back and forth blaming each other instead of looking within? (2) Why single men and women […]
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Ghosting – The Slick Way to End a Dating Relationship
Ghosting is the favorite technique of the single to end things when they don’t want to deal with a bunch of drama and emotions. Ghosting explained in both definition and practice.
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MANSPLAINING – Mansplaining Defined
What is mansplaining? When men attempt to redefine women’s use of language and nullify women’s experiences with their own vision, you’ve seen mansplaining in action.
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Black men have created a situation where they removed themselves from the equation of black families and black communities and made themselves obsolete. So now that black women have learned they “don’t need a man” to survive, black men are angry. Huh? You are responsible for true forced independence.
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